Souls for Life - Completed on 9/26/06 View the development of this painting My primary subject matters with painting has always been my personal life & adventures, family & friends, and corporate America. However, God was always the underlining movement behind every work I did. Over the years I got in touch with this side thanks to the wonderful group I work with at the St. Paul the Apostle Church called Openings NY. With our weekly talks on spirituality and how it affects art I wondered how to depicit God as a regular person who has a job. The first work was entitled 'From my mouth to God's ears'. This painting takes another jab at what God does. Now I can't say what this being looks like but I have a good idea on what he does. He's the spiritual cobbler. His job is to make, repair, heal, and save soles, eerrrr, I mean souls. God has 2 parts with his job, he giveth and taketh away. The Astronomical Clock on the countertop denotes the time we are born, our zodiacs, and alignment of the stars and moons. it also tells him when our number is up, when our souls are called back to him. When we are born into this world, we have no choice on the religiion we will worship. But we can change our minds as we get older. This is where the shoe polishes and polish wheels come into play. Despite being born of a particular faith, you can always ask to worship another. God simply gives you a new 'shine' and you are on your way. His store is always open. The shoes on the far left represent when Ceally and Robert were taken from me. God is repairing their soles to send them back to earth. The Buddha is so sweet I couldn't make him a polish. I had to make him the Pooh Bear that is the honey bottle for God's tea. The sign is a wonderful cobbler mantra. The two souls behind the counter represent society. No matter what, we are all a little crazy. The most important part to this painting is the souls we get. We all get a great pair of soles to start life with. Treating your soles with respect and dignity determines how long they will look nice. |