From 2021 through 2023, I helped lead the newly formed Innovation Lab at BNY Mellon.
As the VP / Experience Design, I was tasked to create a personalized and memorable experience - a transformative client engagement strategy that would establish the bank as an industry leader.
Problem Statement
Create a personalized & memorable client experience.
Our approach was to create a transformative client engagement strategy showcasing new service offerings, particularly the Digital Asset Custody Platform alongside the launch of the Innovation Lab.
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Defining the Scope
We explored innovation and client-centricity options to create an unparalleled experience.
The Digital Asset Custody Platform, encompassed crypto services, improved block-chain solutions, and cutting-edge technologies such as Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality.
We saw NFTs as an opportunity for crafting a unique client engagement approach.
“The world is full of inspiration, to notice is technique”
The hospitality industry's ability to adapt during the pandemic inspired me. I wanted our clients experience akin to luxury hotels and airlines.
Leveraging the bank's impressive food court and panoramic views - we invited clients for a personalized breakfast or lunch experience.
Subtle inquiries about food preferences aimed to maintain the element of surprise.
Outlining the Experience
Easy-to-follow emails facilitated a smooth transition for our client's immersive experience.
We aligned with several groups, including meticulous planning with the Front Desk, to ensure a ‘red carpet' experience.
Greeted by team member, clients were given their personalized meal tote then brought to the Innovation Lab.
The In-Person Experience
The highlight of the experience were the personalized NFTs featuring Alexander Hamilton, a nod to the bank's heritage and relevance in modern finance.
Clients acquired these unique digital assets directly through their digital wallets, further enhancing the sense of exclusivity and engagement.
The Mobile Experience
  • 10% reduction in design-related bottlenecks
  • Teams embraced regular sprint retrospectives
  • Organized knowledge base to find information easier
  • Increased client feedback regarding design quality and innovation
Client Feedback
"Joseph is one of the few designers that I know that I can go to for mentorship, advice, and design help. This year was the start of my UX career, and Joey's been a colleague that helped empower me in my tasks and skills as a designer."
"He helped me meet other designers - taught me skills with Figma that has helped me become more efficient in my work."
"More recently, he has helped me brainstorm how to interview a UX candidate because it was my first time. I do not go to him just because he is one of the few designers here. I go to him because I respect his expertise and what he has taught me has been helpful in my career so far."
  • Dominique Dorvil
    Lead User Experience Analyst at BNY Mellon
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